Number 3: Havasupai. This is a truly awesome spot! It’s absolutely incredible to get to but it’s very difficult to. It’s not strenuous per se, but to get the permits, that’s where the difficulty lies.

Number 2: Red Rock National Conservation Area. Wow, this holds dear to my heart; I really love it out here! This is one of the spots that actually made me appreciate Las Vegas for its entirety. All I knew of at the time was the Vegas strip, but then when one of my friends took me there; I fell in love! And ever since then, I’ve been exploring the sun sets and the sunrises. In some spots you can actually get an awesome overlook above the city strip.

Number 1: Emerald Cave. How incredible is this!? So, we take you to Willow Beach, we launche off and two miles north of that launch point you’re gonna come into an old cave. When the Sun is hitting it just right you get this bright green color, hence the name.
We have some great things out of here! As always, if you have any questions please contact us anytime at 702-93-Kayak or on our website at Thank you have a great!